Material Type | Number of Items | Loan Period | Renewal Period |
Books from Circulation Stacks | 10 | 30 days | 2 |
Books from Special Collections (Herbert A. Marshall) | 2 | 7 days | 1 |
Graphic Novels | 2 | 7 days | 1 |
DVD/CD | 2 | 7 days | 1 |
Course Reserves | 2 | 2 hours | 0 |
Material Type | Number of Items | Loan Period | Renewal Period |
Books from Circulation Stacks | 25 | 120 days | 2 |
Books from Special Collections (Herbert A. Marshall) | 2 | 7 days | 1 |
Graphic Novels | 2 | 7 days | 1 |
DVD/CD | 2 | 7 days | 1 |
Course Reserves | 2 | 2 hours | 0 |
Material Type | Number of Items | Loan Period | Renewal Period |
Books from Circulation Stacks | 25 | 120 days | 2 |
Books from Special Collections (Herbert A. Marshall) | 2 | 7 days | 1 |
Graphic Novels | 2 | 7 days | 1 |
DVD/CD | 2 | 7 days | 1 |
Course Reserves | 2 | 2 hours | 0 |
Material Type | Number of Items | Loan Period | Renewal Period |
Books from Circulation Stacks | 10 | 30 days | 2 |
Books from Special Collections (Herbert A. Marshall) | 2 | 7 days | 1 |
Graphic Novels | 2 | 7 days | 1 |
DVD/CD | 2 | 7 days | 1 |
Course Reserves | 2 | 2 hours | 0 |
Main Collection:
Special Collections: