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Introduction to resources at the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library for students of Psychology.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Norfolk State University Institutional Review Board

Norfolk’s State University’s Institutional Review Board currently focuses on research that involves human subjects (IRB). The ultimate goal is to support the development of life-changing solutions and advances to our everyday lives and communities by ensuring that research practices are ethical, include voluntary and fully informed participation and maximize safety. To do that, the IRB reviews protocols and related materials based on rules and regulations established by national government entities, such as the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services.


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Other Useful Databases

Finding complete tests for assessment can be challenging. Published (commercial) tests are sold by their publishers and they can be expensive. Unpublished tests can be found in a variety of places including journal article and dissertations.

To find unpublished tests in journals, visit the Finding Scholarly Journals page.