This page contains links to ePortfolio galleries compiled by other universities. Review these samples to get an idea of how other students have structured their ePortfolios and get inspiration!
This gallery showcases ePortfolios from ODU students, recognized in an ePortfolio competition coordinated by their Office of Academic Innovation & Learning Support. The gallery includes professional portfolios as well as those which reflect a specific internship, project/course, and program of study.
The ILPL team at Stanford University helps students work through their digital presence and ePortfolios via workshops, courses, meetings with coaches, and more. This gallery provides a few examples of ePortfolios that ILPL students have developed.
Organized by Arts Instructional Support & Information Technology at the University of British Columbia, this link contains sample ePortfolios created by undergraduate and graduate students in the UBC Faculty of Arts. All UBC Arts ePortfolios are created using a custom WordPress template.
This showcase includes ePortfolios made by undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Indiana Indianapolis. Project-based, course-based, degree-based, and personal/professional ePortfolios are included in the showcase.