Britannica Academic provides access to high-quality, comprehensive reference information. Includes access to the Britannica encyclopedia, atlas, world data, the Classics, biographies, news, multimedia, and more. You can also use Britannica Academic to search an Internet directory that includes more than 300,000 links to Web sites selected, rated, and reviewed by Britannica editors. This database also includes the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate® Dictionary.
Credo Reference provides full-text online access to hundreds of multidisciplinary reference book collections, including art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, bilingual dictionaries, and encyclopedias through a one-stop search platform. Search results often include articles from a wide array of publications and frequently present subject coverage from multiple perspectives. Using Credo Reference to approach a topic from different viewpoints can be a great way to expand your familiarity with the topic and it can help you develop new arguments and observations for your research.
This resource includes Oxford Bibliographies entries for Criminology & Social Work with exclusive, authoritative research guides across a variety of subject areas. Combining the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia, this resource directs researchers to the best available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects.
Search directly from the landing page or select "Browse by Subject" to review guides under either Criminology or Social Work.
This scholarly, multi-disciplinary, full-text database includes more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals with coverage across nearly all areas of academic study. In addition to its 8,500 full-text periodicals, the database features more than 75,000 videos from the Associated Press from 1930 to the present.
This collection provides access to more than 4,000 U.S. news sources, including current coverage and archives back to the 1980s. The platform draws from national, regional, and local news content, including access to more than 70 Virginia news sources, such as The Virginian-Pilot and Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Annual Reviews covers a broad range of disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences, including Economics, and perpetual access that covers the years 2000 - present. This resource includes more than 65 discipline specific journals. The Annual Review articles capture current understanding of a topic; set the work in historical context; highlight the major questions that remain to be addressed and the likely course of research in upcoming years; and outline the practical applications and general significance of research to society.
A full-text database of Congressional Quarterly Researcher, presenting overviews of current topics. Coverage includes overviews, chronologies, pro and con points of interest, and bibliographies of additional resources.
Contains more than 400,000 records selected from academic journals, magazines, conference papers, books, and reports. Subject areas covered include: criminology; criminal justice; criminal law and procedure; corrections and prisons; police and policing; criminal investigation; forensic sciences and investigation; history of crime; substance abuse and addiction; probation and parole.
This database fills the gap in academic literature about the community and contributions of people who experience disability, with a comprehensive and international set of resources to enrich study in a wide range of disciplines from media studies to philosophy. Includes 150,000 pages of primary sources, supporting materials, archives, documentaries, and interviews along with 125 hours of video.
Factiva is a Dow Jones business intelligence platform that includes content from 33,000 news, data, and information sources from 200 countries and 32 languages. The archive has more than two billion articles. The oldest dates from 1944, and 2,300 sources have more than 20 years of archived articles.
Gale In Context: Global Issues supports global awareness and provides a global perspective while tying together authoritative content, empowering learners to critically analyze and understand the most important issues of the modern world. Explore issues within government, law, health, science and technology, society and culture, and more. Integrating news, global viewpoints, reference materials, country information, primary source documents, videos, statistics, and more, Global Issues is updated daily and offers 250 country pages and more than 400 issue pages. It contains more than 6,000 viewpoint commentaries provide background and guidance on significant topics like Food Security, Genocide, Human Rights, Extreme Weather, and more. Global Issues is cross-searchable with Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints.
Opposing Viewpoints includes viewpoints, reference articles, infographics, news, images, video, audio, and more on contemporary topics. Periodical content covers current events, news and commentary, economics, environmental issues, political science, and more. Opposing Viewpoints is cross-searchable with Gale In Context: Global Issues.
This database offers access to 3,200 scholarly journals that examine more than a thousand topics, all dating back to the first issue published. There is a comprehensive U.S. government publications collection and an archive of case law consisting of federal, state, and overseas cases. The international resources address many countries, regions, and international organizations.
A multidisciplinary digital library that includes all 2,800+ academic journals on JSTOR; spanning more than 60 disciplines across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Access also includes more than two million primary source documents.
And, with the incorporation of Artstor's collections, JSTOR is now home to more than two million images.
This database contains full-text for more than 250 of the world's scholarly law journals. It is a source for information on current issues, studies, thoughts, and trends of the legal world.
This multidisciplinary database provides full-text for nearly 1,700 periodicals with full-text information dating as far back as 1975. Covering virtually every subject area of general interest, MasterFILE Premier also contains full-text for nearly 500 reference books and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps & flags.
This database of the world's major news content includes more than 860 full-text newspapers and more than 857,000 television and radio news transcripts.
Peace Research Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to peace research, including conflict resolution, international affairs, peace psychology, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. The index contains more than 267,000 records.
Provides full text for more than 520 journals, and indexing and abstracts for over 2,900 titles. The database also features over 340 full-text reference books and monographs, and over 36,000 full-text conference papers, including those of the International Political Science Association.
Users can search, find and preview more than 900 million documents and retrieve scholarly full-text open access sources directly curated by ProQuest.
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection is a comprehensive database covering information concerning topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods. It offers full-text coverage for nearly 400 journals.
Bibliographic records covering essential areas related to race relations, including ethnic studies, discrimination, immigration studies, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. The index contains more than 49,500 records.
This database provides demographic data from U.S. sources including the Decennial Census, American Community Survey (ACS), County Business Patterns, Population Estimates, LEHD and more. Many of these data sets are available at detailed geographic levels, down to a few city blocks. It also includes World Development Indicators from the World Bank, European Statistics, the UK and Canadian Censuses from 2011, and religion data from Ireland (1911-2001).
This is an integrated collection of books, journals, and other materials from across the Springer Nature platform including Nature Portfolio, Springer, BMC, Palgrave, Discover, and Apress. Disciplines represented include the sciences, business, law, history, literature, philosophy, political science, social sciences, and statistics.
This resource includes millions of peer-reviewed journal articles published under the Taylor & Francis, Routledge and Dove Medical Press imprints across many academic disciplines.
Women’s Studies International, covers the core disciplines in Women’s Studies and scholarship in feminist research. Coverage includes more than 871,000 records and spans from 1972 and earlier to present. This database supports the areas of sociology, history, political science & economy, public policy, international relations, arts & humanities, business, and education. Over 2,000 periodical sources are represented.
This collection contains over 246,000 eBooks on a wide variety of academic subject matter.
eBook Central is a collection of nearly 250,000 academic e-books on a wide variety of subjects.
Taylor & Francis eBooks offers approximately 100,000 full-text resources including content published within the past year.
Wiley Online Library provides access to multidisciplinary content across more than 1,600 journals and 22,000 ebooks.
This comprehensive collection includes 26 core academic collections with over 280,100+ video clips, 26,900+ full-length videos, and 14,500+ hours programming in various subject areas.
The autobiographical sketches in this collection demonstrate the profound achievements of African Americans across virtually all fields and aspects of American life, including science, the arts and entertainment, politics, literature, the military, and the academy. The video database currently contains over 2,600 interviews (nearly 10,000 hours of interview footage).
Kanopy is a video streaming collection with over 26,000 films ranging from documentaries, indie, foreign, classic and blockbuster movies in several subjects and sub-subject areas. PBS, New Day Films, Kino Lorber, and California NewsReel are just a few of the content providers.
An extensive index of open access, quality, peer-reviewed, scholarly research journals from around the world. Contains materials from over 19,700 journals in various languages and disciplines.
Textbooks in the Open Textbook Library are considered open because they are free to use and distribute, and are licensed to be freely adapted or changed with proper attribution. Currently offers more than 1280 open textbooks.