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Online Reference Tools

Use this guide for quick facts and online resources.

English Language Dictionaries

    Provides millions of English definitions, spellings, audio pronunciations, example sentences, and word origins. Definitions from Random House Unabridged Dictionary, American Heritage, and Harper Collins to support a range of language needs. also offers a Word of the Day, a Synonym of the Day, word games and solvers.
  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary
    In addition to the dictionary, it offers  offers a Word of the Day, a Synonym of the Day, word games and solvers.
  • OneLook Dictionaries
    Search across multiple dictionaries.
  • Oxford English Dictionary
    The accepted authority on the evolution of the English language, OED traces the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words and phrases.
  • RhymeZone
    Find rhymes, synonyms, adjectives, and more.
    Companion to for synonym lookups.


These databases are provided by the NSU Library.