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Master of Health Informatics (MHI)

Course guide for the Master of Health Informatics degree program.

The Lyman Beecher Brooks Library provides access to hundreds of thousands of resources through the print and physical collection. Use the recommended resources below to get a jump start on your research!

Below, your librarians have highlighted some recommended resources to get you started. However, you may find that your research leads you into additional, unfamiliar databases and materials. Please contact the library if you need any help learning about any of the items in the library's collection. Also, it can be helpful to browse guides for other courses, subjects, and departments as needed. Your NSU librarians have additional recommended resources across the research guide platform. Visit the full list of Research Guides here:

In addition to the library's own collection, you can also request materials from other libraries (world-wide!) with the assistance of our InterLibrary Loan Department. Learn more about this resource on our website here: InterLibrary Loan

Recommended Resources