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Mass Communication and Journalism

A guide to library resources in Mass Communication and Journalism

InterLibrary Loan

What is Interlibrary Loan?
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a retrieval service in which the Library will borrow articles, books, etc. for you from other libraries that are not owned in print or online by the NSU Library.

Using Tipasa

To request materials through ILL, you must have a Tipasa account.

First Time User

First time users must contact the ILL Department at to request a Tipasa account. First time users will receive a response from the Department with instructions on how to finish the Tipasa account set-up. The link included in the email must be clicked within 24 hours of it being sent.

How to Make an ILL request

Sign into your Tipasa account to submit your request.

On the landing page, you will be able to manage all of your ILL requests. 

To create a new one, begin by clicking on the "Advanced search" link. 

Search for the record you are interested in.


Once you have located the material you want, click on the title link to open the record.

On the righthand side there is a button to request the material through Interlibrary Loan. Click on this button.

Fill in the form as required

And click the "Submit request" button at the bottom of the page.

How long will it take to get the material?

The turnaround time depends on the type of request (article or an entire book) and where it is requested from. Some library systems are quicker than others. 

If you have any questions or concerns about the ILL system, please contact the ILL Department by email at