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ENG 102: College English II

This course guide accompanies the in-person library instruction for ENG 102 and serves as a reference point for topics and resources described in the class.

Finding what you need

This section will help you navigate our library's collections, both physical and digital.

  • Searching with WorldCat Discovery 
    • Learn to use our website's catalog search.
    • Learn how our physical collections are organized and how to locate materials in the library.
  • Searching the Databases
    • Scholarly journals & articles, eBooks, primary sources, and images are just a few of the items found in our digital databases. Learn where to look for the various types of materials on this page.
  • Google Scholar
    • This page offers an overview of how to use Google Scholar. Google Scholar allows you to search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. 
  • Borrowing From Other Libraries
    • If we don't have it, we can probably borrow it from another institution through our Inter-Library Loan system (ILL). This page walks you through how to use that system. ILL is available for both physical and digital materials.

Locating Articles Using the DOI

DOI = Digital Object Identifier 

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique set of numbers used to identify any object, usually digital articles or documents. Much like a Social Security Number identifies one person, a DOI identifies one item. This makes DOIs very useful for finding articles and should be used in citations, when applicable. 

If you are trying to locate an item using a DOI, the library offers Search which allows you to look up articles by their DOI or PMID (a number assigned by PubMed, the National Library of Medicine's index) numbers. If the NSU library has access to the article, Search will take you directly to it. If we do not offer access, you can request the article by InterLibrary Loan.


The DOI Foundation offers a DOI name resolver at the bottom of their Home Page that will give you link to information about the item but may not take you to a version we have access to. This foundation manages the DOI system.