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Resources for students of CyberPsychology.

About this guide

This research guide serves as a starting point for students of the NSU CyberPsychology program. It is not intended to be comprehensive, but contains information on selected resources in the NSU Library, as well as links to materials that are available elsewhere. The guide provides information on both print and electronic resources. 

If you can't find exactly what you are looking for or need assistance focusing your topic, please contact a reference librarian or stop by the Information Desk on the first floor of the library for more help.

If you need help with writing your assignment or editing assistance, please visit the NSU Writing Center, which is conveniently located on the first floor of the library. 

What is CyberPsychology?

CyberPsychology is the discipline of understanding the psychological processes related to, and underlying, all aspects and features of technologically interconnected human behavior.

Five major areas that have been identified as relevant to the field of cyberpsychology, including trends and directions in cyberpsychology ethics, research, training, and application. They include (a) online behavior and personality; (b) social media use and psychological functioning; (c) games and gaming; (d) telepsychology; and (e) virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), and applications.

Read more: The Age of Cyberpsychology: An Overview by Julie R. Ancis

Introduction to Cyberpsychology | Dr. Mary Aiken

Masters of Science in CyberPsychology at NSU

Study the influence of digital technology on our attitudes, behaviors, beliefs and interactions in the cutting-edge field of cyberpsychology.

Mary Girard, Reference & Instruction Librarian

headshot of mary girardMary Girard


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