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Common Reader

Highlighting the Norfolk State University Common Reader book.

The Common Reader

In 2012, Norfolk State University expanded its Common Reading (CR) program to include the reading of a common text by first-year students, guided discussions during first-year orientation, integration into the first-year seminar course, and author talks. The campus community will be digging deeper into the text, while new opportunities will be available to engage in campus events centered around the Common Reading Book. Common Reading is all about building community, enriching curriculum, and increasing scholarly engagement. 

“We are excited to re-introduce the Common Reader Initiative. This is a campus-wide program and component of our QEP, close reading for effective writing (CREW). A key component to academic engagement is cultivating community and implementing initiatives that foster student success. The common reader program at NSU offers both strategies. I encourage you to join us in the journey of reading this year’s selection.”

-Dr. Andrea Neal
 Associate Vice Provost, Office of Academic Engagement  
