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Introduction to resources at the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library for students of biology.

Writing & Science

Good science writing means good writing.

While there are many discipline-specific nuances and conventions unique in the sciences, the principles of formal, technical writing do not differ so greatly between any of the academic disciplines. In the end, a foundation in strong research and argumentation is the necessary pre-requisite to effective science communication.
Developing your style as a technical writer is something that will happen over a long period of time. Throughout your years as an undergraduate student you will investigate the skills at the core of good scientific communication: research, argumentation, visual display of information, and more. As you progress from course to course as an undergraduate student, and as you matriculate into graduate programs and careers, these principles will remain at the core of the work that you do to evolve your communication and writing ability.

From the Undergraduate's Guide to Writing in the Sciences