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Film & Video Databases

A list of streaming video/films databases with access to thousand of videos/films in various subject areas.


This guide is a brief overview of the streaming videos and films available through the the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library (LBBL). 

If you need assistance locating a resource, please contact us!

Accessing Streaming Videos/Films Databases

To access streaming videos at LBBL, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the A-Z Database List on the Library's website.
  2. Under the "All Database Types" menu, choose "Streaming Video"
  3. Choose which database you would like to use and click on the title link.
  4. You will be redirected to the library's login screen OpenAthens.

When logging into OpenAthens, use only the username portion of your email address (everything to the left of the @ symbol).
Example: for a user with the email address, the username would be l.b.brooks1938.