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Library Ultimaker S5 and Makerbot Method 3D printers in Makerspace3D Printing Makerspace Terms and Conditions 

  • The 3D Print lab is reserved for two (2) hours. If you are in need of more time, you can reserve it again if no one has reserved the room prior to your last hour.  
  • Patrons may reserve a room up to seven (7) days in advance.

  • Rooms left unattended after 15 minutes may be forfeited.

  • User must have a NSU email address and an account in order to use the online reservation system. 

  • General library conduct required. Trash cans are provided in the studio. Please make sure the 3D Print Lab is left clean and free of trash and locked upon exiting the room.

  • 3D Print lab must be vacated 60 minutes before closing of the library

  • Belongings should not be left unattended. The library is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to personal property.

  • In order to have ADA compliance, tables and chairs are not to be moved, added or removed from the room.