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The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
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The Brill eBooks database provides access to over 2,000 full-text eBooks across the following collections: Classical Studies, Languages and Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Social Sciences.
Cambridge Core is the home of academic content from Cambridge University Press. The collection includes access to nearly one million articles and more than 300 books covering a wide variety of subjects. In addition, users can access more than 100 Cambridge Elements - original, concise, authoritative, and peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific research, organised into focused series edited by leading scholars, and providing comprehensive coverage of the key topics in disciplines spanning the arts and sciences.
Digital Theatre+, includes over 600 productions, from musicals to literary classics and in a range of formats including captured theatre, films, TV adaptations, audio theatre, and poetry recitals; more than 800 video resources such as interactive workshops, dynamic e-learning videos, and exclusive interviews, lectures and documentaries; and over 21,000 pages of written resources.
This database fills the gap in academic literature about the community and contributions of people who experience disability, with a comprehensive and international set of resources to enrich study in a wide range of disciplines from media studies to philosophy. Includes 150,000 pages of primary sources, supporting materials, archives, documentaries, and interviews along with 125 hours of video.
The Archives of Sexuality and Gender program provides a robust and significant collection of primary sources for the historical study of sex, sexuality, and gender. With material dating back to the sixteenth century, researchers and scholars can examine how sexual norms have changed over time, health and hygiene, the development of sex education, the rise of sexology, changing gender roles, social movements and activism, erotica, and many other topical areas.
This collection indexes more than 560 core journals, nearly 50 priority journals, and nearly 125 selective journals; plus books, research reports, and proceedings. This database also contains full text for more than 330 journals. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s.
Mergent Market Atlas is a database of corporate information covering over 50,000 US and foreign public companies. The platform includes:
This database will replace Mergent Online on June 30, 2025.
This video collection is curated to help nursing students excel in their studies, pass licensure exams, and prepare for long-term job success in an increasingly complex health care system. The titles in this collection feature copyrights only within the past five years and are from trusted producers such as Classroom Productions, Inc.; Elsevier; Cambridge Educational; Medivision; NEVCO; and others.
The most frequently-used databases
This scholarly, multi-disciplinary, full-text database includes more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals with coverage across nearly all areas of academic study. In addition to its 8,500 full-text periodicals, the database features more than 75,000 videos from the Associated Press from 1930 to the present.
APA PsycArticles includes full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology with articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA), its imprint - the Educational Publishing Foundation (EPF), and from allied organizations including the Canadian Psychological Association and the Hogrefe Publishing Group. It includes all journal articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, and errata from each journal. Coverage spans 1894 to the present and nearly all APA journals go back to Volume 1, Issue 1.
APA PsycInfo includes abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations from the fields of behavioral and social sciences. Journal coverage, which spans from the 1800s to the present, includes international material selected from periodicals in dozens of languages.
BMHO provides a comprehensive, rich, and diverse collection of video and text for anyone studying or teaching in the area of mental health such as counseling, social work, nursing, psychology and behavioral health. This collection includes clinical mental health demonstrations, actual therapy sessions, compelling documentaries on the human condition, psychotherapy transcripts, as well client narratives and reference works.
Featuring select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history. Black Freedom Struggle in the United States contains over 3,000 documents focused on six different phases: Slavery and Abolitionist Movement (1790-1860), Civil War and Reconstruction Era (1861-1877), Jim Crow Era from 1878 to the Great Depression (1878-1932), New Deal and World War II (1933-1945), Civil Rights and Black Power Movements (1946-1975), Contemporary Era (1976-2000s).
This database provides bibliographic and full-text coverage of scholarly business journals, general magazines and trade periodicals.
A comprehensive source of nursing & allied health journals, providing full-text for more than 770 journals indexed.
Index, abstracts, and full-text for journals covering advertising, marketing, film/video, game studies, journalism, communication, mass media, linguistics, rhetoric, language, logic, and other closely related fields.
This collection contains over 246,000 eBooks on a wide variety of academic subject matter.
eBook Central is a collection of nearly 250,000 academic e-books on a wide variety of subjects.
Infobase Feature films for Education Collection has almost 800 full-length titles. This collection focuses on both current and hard-to-find titles, including dramas, literary adaptations, blockbusters, classics, science fiction, environmental titles, foreign films, social issues, animation studies, Academy Award® winners, and more.
Films Media Group (FMG) Archival Films & Newsreels has over 4,514 titles and over 578 hours of programming it is a treasure trove of archival and historical films from multiple sources.
This comprehensive collection includes 26 core academic collections with over 280,100+ video clips, 26,900+ full-length videos, and 14,500+ hours programming in various subject areas.
A multidisciplinary research database of encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform.
Opposing Viewpoints includes viewpoints, reference articles, infographics, news, images, video, audio, and more on contemporary topics. Periodical content covers current events, news and commentary, economics, environmental issues, political science, and more. Opposing Viewpoints is cross-searchable with Gale In Context: Global Issues.
This database offers access to 3,200 scholarly journals that examine more than a thousand topics, all dating back to the first issue published. There is a comprehensive U.S. government publications collection and an archive of case law consisting of federal, state, and overseas cases. The international resources address many countries, regions, and international organizations.
IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization. IEEE Xplore provides FULL-TEXT access to IEEE transactions, journals, magazines, and conference proceedings published since 1988 plus select content back to 1950, and all current IEEE standards.
The Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), a peer reviewed scientific video journal, is dedicated to teaching the practice and theory of scientific experiments through engaging and easy-to-understand visual demonstrations. All JoVE articles are indexed in subject-relevant indexing sites, including PubMed/MEDLINE, SciFinder and Scopus.
A multidisciplinary digital library that includes all 2,800+ academic journals on JSTOR; spanning more than 60 disciplines across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Access also includes more than two million primary source documents.
And, with the incorporation of Artstor's collections, JSTOR is now home to more than two million images.
Kanopy is a video streaming collection with over 26,000 films ranging from documentaries, indie, foreign, classic and blockbuster movies in several subjects and sub-subject areas. PBS, New Day Films, Kino Lorber, and California NewsReel are just a few of the content providers.
The O'Reilly for Higher Education digital platform includes more than 38,000 book titles and more than 30,000 hours of video. Topics range from programming to IT networking to project management to graphic design to business strategy. The content includes code snippets, certification preparation materials, practice exercises, training videos, and much more. Users can search thousands of books simultaneously online, saving time and quickly finding the information they need.
-This resource is available through your browser or the O'Reilly app by signing in with your NSU email address and selecting "Sign in with SSO".
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This reference database includes access to almost 400 dictionaries and encyclopedias of fully-indexed, cross-searchable works published by Oxford University Press with detailed information across a broad subject range of topics.
This resource includes millions of peer-reviewed journal articles published under the Taylor & Francis, Routledge and Dove Medical Press imprints across many academic disciplines.
Wiley Online Library provides access to multidisciplinary content across more than 1,600 journals and 22,000 ebooks.